Latest Charity Fundraising Success a Real Team Effort
Throughout 2015, the Russell Scanlan team held a variety of events in aid of our chosen charity, MySight, which provides greater independence for visually impaired people throughout Nottinghamshire and we are proud to say it was our most successful year of fundraising yet.
We set ourselves a target of £3,000 and were unbelievably pleased to present the charity with a cheque for just over £3,300.00. The money raised will contribute to providing much needed advice, support and information for people of all ages living with sight loss across the county.
From our Annual Charity Raffle to our Antiques Valuation event, 2015 proved to be our most exciting year for fundraising events. In November, over 20 businesses took part in our hotly contested Charity Quiz, helping us to beat our target for this worthwhile cause.
It seems our efforts draw in participation from colleagues and more and more from clients, partner businesses, friends and family. It is such a great experience to join together and share our passion to support charities that operate in our local communities, that make a difference. Without a doubt it promotes a ‘feel good’ factor and if we, as a team, can all have fun while fundraising, what a positive message that promotes and inevitably draws others into our plans.
The cheque was presented to service users at My Sight during their weekly choir rehearsal and,Chief Executive Michael Conroy, from MySight was very kind to accept the funds on behalf of the charity: “We are delighted with the amazing amount Russell Scanlan has presented to us. Life for visually impaired people can be restricted and lonely but every penny raised really does go a long way to proving them with greater independence. We can’t thank the team enough for their wonderful fundraising efforts.” Certainly sets the bar for charity support in 2016!
To see pictures from Russell Scanlan’s cheque presentation, visit:…