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Quick Access to Return to Work Guidance

Russell Scanlan is gathering guidance issued by multiple UK insurers to share with businesses that need to undertake Covid-19 risk assessments for safe return to work.

As all businesses now face the task of considering how to reopen their premises and sites and keep staff and customers safe during that process, the advice is to undertake a risk assessment so that any return to work plan is managed in a controlled and safe manner.

Many of the UK’s insurers are now issuing guidance on how to conduct an appropriate risk assessment, with advice for specific sectors and checklists to follow.

The team at Russell Scanlan is compiling all information received in order to provide quick and easy access for any business having to review working activities and implement new health and safety measures as part of a Covid-19 Compliance risk assessment.

Guidance includes looking at working areas to enable employees to successfully distance themselves from customers and colleagues, if PPE equipment is required, consultations with staff, training and welfare needs.

New information for specific sectors is being rolled out on a daily basis but currently there are more detailed guidelines available for industries such as manufacturing, construction, supply chain, motor fleet and garden centres.

For information available for your business please get in touch on contactus@russellscanlan.com or 0115 798 0786.

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For expert advice, call us today on 0115 798 0786


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