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Established in 1881


Russell Scanlan clients prepared for Appcidents

RS App

In an era when mobile phones have become more than just a device for calling home, Nottingham-based insurance broking and risk managing firm, Russell Scanlan, has come up with an app to take some of the stress out of a road traffic accident.

The app, designed in conjunction with Incident Support Group Limited, is thought to be the first made available by an insurance broker in the East Midlands to help gather all the relevant information needed to process a motor insurance claim.

This new app will enable users to quickly and instantaneously collect and send information through to the insurer without having to take time out of their otherwise busy schedule to sit on the phone.

The aim is make the app available to over 1,400 private clients over the next twelve months, with a view to subsequently rolling it out even further across the firm’s commercial client base.

Russell Scanlan has recently celebrated its 130th anniversary but it is far from being an old-fashioned company. It preserves the tradition which made it into the strong organisation it is today. Yet at the same time, it embraces new technology and the benefits it can bring into the insurance world.

Andy Jenkins, Operational Director at Russell Scanlan commented: “I’m the first to admit that I never leave home or the office without my smartphone or iPad! Mobile technology has become the one thing that many of us feel lost without. This is why our app is so useful, as most smartphone users will have their phone in the car.

“Built in cameras, email and GPS have helped to make smartphones what they are today, and it is this technology that helped to shape Russell Scanlan’s app. No one really has the time or the inclination to deal with an accident, so this is all about making a difficult situation more manageable for our private and commercial clients, and helping them to get a problem resolved as quickly as possible.”

Available through the App Store for use on iPhone and iPad, the Russell Scanlan Helpline app is free to download.

Download the Russell Scanlan Helpline App here

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