Russell Scanlans "Company Car" man
Jim Hull, Russell Scanlan Leicester Broking Director, talks about whiplash claims, exercise and cars in an interview with Leicester Mercury.
Q. Do you buy into the idea that you are born to be an achiever or does everybody have it in them to be successful?
A. I think everyone has the potential for success, it just depends how much effort you want to put in, how ambitious you are and what you want to achieve. The more you put in though, the more you normally get back out.
Q. Whiplash injury claims cost insurers more than £2 billion last year, according to the AA – adding about £90 to the cost of a typical car insurance policy. Should the system be reformed? What should be done to overhaul it?
A. Many insurers don't take a hard enough stance on the issue. There are numerous ways to combat claims, from introducing a minimum accident speed limit before a claim is valid, through to the setting up of independent medical panels to judge claimants.
Banning ambulance chasing solicitors would also help. It's a shame the situation has become so bad as those with genuine injuries are unfortunately beginning to get tarred with the same brush.
Q. Anti-capitalist protestors have once again set up camp outside the London Stock Exchange. Do you have any sympathy with their cause at all?
A. I understand everyone's frustrations on this issue, but I am not sure what they are actually going to achieve by taking this action and how it will help get the country back on its feet.
I think these people should count themselves lucky to have such good employers to allow them to take time out and protest!
Q. A study by Loughborough University has shown pupils are not getting enough exercise at school. Do you think sport is just as important for children as academic subjects?
A. I loved all sport at school, particularly football. I actively encourage my children to get involved with sport, mainly due to the health benefits, but also to encourage interaction with others.
It would be great if one of my daughters became a professional sportsperson to help fund my early retirement!
Q. A rare watercolour by Paul Cezanne, believed lost for nearly 60 years, has fetched more than $19million at a New York auction. What's your biggest extravagance?
A. My wife and I are like chalk and cheese when it comes to spending. She has to rein me in most of the time!
Cars are a weakness and I would change these more often if I could. I am also into the latest technology and gadgets, which I actually change more often than our cars.
I've yet to confess that we actually have two major holidays provisionally booked for next year…
Q. Is new manager of England football team Roy Hodgson the right man for the job?
A. The job is a poisoned chalice. I agree that an English manager is needed and think he is capable of doing a good job for them. Straight into the frying pan with the Euros though, so it will go one way or the other for him very quickly.
I am very patriotic when it comes to England and football, even if the lack of success has made it very frustrating for supporters over a number of years now.
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