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Venturing behind the scenes of a top sporting venue


“2014 has given us an unforgettable summer of high profile sporting events, and the spotlight has now turned to Glasgow which plays host to the 20th Commonwealth Games. Whilst millions are tuning in and turning up at the huge arenas and purpose built stadia that Scotland has to offer, many spectators are oblivious to what exactly goes on behind the scenes to make a global event such as this one a success.

“Health, safety and insurance will always play a huge role in event preparations, as was demonstrated in the run up to the FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil when concerns were raised over the safety of the 12 purpose-build arenas. Not only did this leave fans feeling apprehensive as they flew out to Rio, it also meant the media were waiting in the wings to report on any potential issue.

“Event organisers, who operate behind the scenes, have a duty of care to house large numbers of people safely, ensuring that the necessary precautions are taken and insurance policies are up to scratch in terms of managing risks appropriately.

“In the UK, we are lucky to have the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – a noteworthy regulatory body – to ensure that people in Britain can work safely. Other countries aren’t as fortunate, and sadly, stories of people being killed while going about their day to day employment activities hit the headlines all too often.
“The HSE has played a prominent role in the planning and preparation of the Commonwealth Games, offering strategic direction and support to local authority co-regulators, and remaining on standby to respond to any work-related incident or emergency affecting the smooth running of the Games. This has instilled confidence – in both the participants and spectators alike – that the venues are fit for purpose and have the correct insurance and risk management protocols in place to make the event a success.

“Health and venue safety is a big consideration for the insurance industry too. Here at Russell Scanlan, we pride ourselves in designing the right insurance programme to meet the exact requirements of a specific venue, taking into account the fact that it will be visited largely by members of the public. “We look after international sports grounds, theatres and world heritage visitor sites, and offer expert advice to find the right insurance cover and risk management solutions to match the specific needs of a venue”. Visit https://www.russellscanlan.com/insurance-broking/venue-insurance/ to find out more.”Bryan Banbury is Managing Director at Russell Scanlan, one of the UK’s leading independent insurance broking and risk managing firms.
Blog Source: http://www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/glasgow-2014-commonwealth-games/

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