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Whiplash compensation culture government crack down


The government has announced that a package of measures to help to ensure that motoring's costs are decreased, which includes reducing insurance premiums.

The number of fraudulent claims has increased over the years and in particular claims of whiplash with in some cases whiplash being claimed on collision at 2 MPH! The BBC reports Ministers want a clamp down on the ‘Claiming culture’ for this type of claim in particular.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said: “We are turning the tide on the compensation culture and helping hard-working people by tackling high insurance premiums and other motoring costs.

“It's not right that people who cheat the insurance system get away with it while forcing up the price for everyone else – so we are now going after whiplash fraudsters and will keep on driving premiums down.”

This recent move is been highly welcomed by the RAC and the AA and certainly from a consumers point of view is one outgoing cost that is set to decrease not increase like other household bills.

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