Announcement. 17 August 2020
It is with great sadness that we share the news that our Operations Director, Andy Jenkins, passed away over the weekend, at home and with his family by his side. Andy had been bravely battling cancer for some time but throughout had kept in contact with the team at Russell Scanlan to lend his support and to pass on his passion for the business.
Andy’s career in the insurance industry began in 1978, in Birmingham, working for General Accident, and he continued in the sector, joining Russell Scanlan in 2002 and taking up his position as Operations Director in 2007. His significant experience helped drive the business to the position it enjoys today, and he was a much-respected figure across the industry.
He will be much missed by his colleagues and the business associates and clients of Russell Scanlan and our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this difficult time.