Russell Scanlan Awarded Chartered Status
We couldn’t be more delighted to announce that Russell Scanlan has been awarded prestigious Chartered status by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) – one of only 2 in Nottingham and a handful in the region.
As Nottingham’s longest established broker, 2016 is already proving to be a particularly positive year. We are also celebrating our 135th anniversary and there are plans afoot to mark that occasion (but more on that in a following 1881).
Bryan Banbury, managing director, was quick to comment on the news:
“Chartered status is an exclusive title only awarded to firms which meet rigorous criteria. All Chartered Insurance Brokers commit to the CII’s Code of Ethics, reinforcing the highest standards of professional practice in their business dealings.
“We have worked incredibly hard, particularly over the last three years, to make sure that we have everything in place to secure the award and support staff in their efforts to achieve additional qualifications.
“The company’s aim is to provide a professional, independent service delivered by a highly qualified team, and whose priority is to ensure businesses and individuals receive innovative and practical solutions for their insurance needs. Chartered status highlights our commitment to providing the highest level of standards for the benefit of our clients.”